Thursday, December 11, 2008

Biodiversity Hotspots - sites of significance for biodiversity conservation in the NT

Now open for public comment

The Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport has recently completed a process of identifying and mapping 67 sites of either international or national significance for biodiversity conservation in the Northern Territory.

A detailed draft information paper for each site provides a snapshot of the current knowledge and research and is available at
The website also includes background information on the project, criteria used to assess the sites and the sources of information used in the assessments.

The draft information papers are now open for public comment and will close on Friday 19 December 2008. To have your say on the draft papers please complete the online feedback form or download a feedback form.

The aim of the NHT-funded project is to:

. highlight the most important sites for biodiversity in the Northern Territory

. prioritise sites for future off-park conservation initiatives

. increase public knowledge and appreciation of the Territory's outstanding biodiversity resources

For more information go to

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