Friday, May 8, 2009

Rally this Saturday against Uranium Exploration

Cameco has started exploratory drilling for uranium at Angela Pamela....

Gather on the Alice Springs Town Council lawns at 10am this Saturday the 9th May to show your support for a NUKE-FREE Alice Springs!

We must get the unusual suspects involved! Please invite 3 other people from
your workplace, kids' school or sports club to come along to get
informed and involved in the campaign.

On Saturday the community will voice its opposition to uranium exploration. Not just to the town, but to government and national press through some strategic mass letter writing. Bring your pens, clipboards and ideas. Saturday is also an opportunity to meet other people with similar campaign interests- eg. lobbying, media, fundraising, engaging with tourism industry, etc etc etc.

The snap action on Wednesday afternoon was well attended by around 100 people. People expressed their disappointment that drilling had started through an open mike. Cars passing beeped in support. The Cameco Project and Regional Managers were invited to come down and talk to the crowd but they refused.
The rally was covered by ABC TV, CAAMA, and 3CR (Melbourne). Reps from local newspapers were present.

The NT government approved Cameco's Mine Management Plan (ie., a document which outlines the way exploration will be managed) last Friday. Gorey& Cole employees and drill rigs are now on site and drilling has started. Drilling will go for aprox 7 months.. Mine Management Plan should be available from the govt soon.
Cameco has not yet completed its Environmental Management Plan. Although there is no government requirement for them to do so, and there are some environmental management aspects to the Mine Management Plan, it does make you wonder.... Why are they allowed to start drilling without a thorough Environmental Management Plan completed and in place????

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