Thursday, October 8, 2009

Beyond Nuclear News

Hi everyone,
I am busy getting ready for the NSW Camp for Climate Action, where I am running a workshop on why expanding the nuclear industry is a false solution to climate change.


Part of this workshop will be a case study of the proposed expansion of the BHP Billiton Olympic Dam uranium mine, on Kokatha and Arabunna land in SA.

While I hope to highlight the vast destruction this expansion will cause (using up to 260 million litres of water a day and calling for public subisidies on diesel to dig for four years BEFORE hitting the targeted ore body) , BHP has been making headlines of its own, see two stories below.

Regarding the first article, it is an outrageous proposal for the company to recruit free labour from prisoners, masked as training, to help meet their Indigenous employment quota.

This proposal has been aptly tagged 'The nuclear chain gang' with the description 'from prison to poison for profits'.

Stay tuned for a reportback from climate camp!
BHP in the news this week.................

BHP gives prisoners work experience at Olympic Dam,22606,26174651-5006301,00.html

BHP in scramble after mine damaged



Beyond Nuclear Initiative
Uranium Project
0429 900 774

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